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5 Days To A Powerful Memory Jim Kwik

$ 20,00

Descubre 5 poderosos trucos para desbloquear tu Supercerebro y aprender más rápido, retener más y olvidar menos.

❇ 5 lecciones

❇ Duracion 1 horas 10 minutos

❇ Audio en español

❇  Acceso Google Drive

Upgrade yourself with a superhuman memory in just 5 days through science-based tools and exercises that work for anyone at any age. Designed by master mind trainer Jim Kwik.

Meet Jim Kwik


Jim Kwik, his real name, is the world’s leader in brain performance, mental fitness and memory improvement. He is CEO of Kwik Learning, the premiere online accelerated learning academy with students in 195 countries.

His clients include Google, Virgin, Nike, Zappos, WordPress, SpaceX, Cleveland Clinic, Caltech, Harvard and Singularity University.

Kwik is the author of the NY Times and #1 WSJ bestseller: “Limitless – Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, Unlock Your Exceptional Life.” He is the host of the acclaimed “Kwik Brain” podcast, which is consistently the top educational training show on iTunes with tens of millions of downloads. His mission: No brain left behind.


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