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Gut Health for Better Mind, Body & Longevity – Naveen Jain Mindvalley In English

$ 27,00

Unlock your personal path to vibrant health with the gut microbiome revolution

✅ Lesson 9

⏱ 3 Hours 13 Minutes

👂🏻Audio in English

Access Google Drive

Is your gut trying to tell you something?


For too many of us, nagging health issues like digestive discomfort, stubborn weight, relentless headaches, and even battles with depression and anxiety have become the norm.


We often attribute these to bad luck or genetics, but what if there’s a root cause we can actually address?

The answer lies in the 3.5 billion-year-old secret hidden in your gut…your microbiome.


This unique ecosystem acts like the puppet master for your health, silently pulling the strings of how your body reacts.

Processed foods, stress, and antibiotics wreak havoc on this delicate balance, leading to chronic inflammation that leaves you feeling sluggish, out of sync, or just downright sick.


However, the science is now irrefutable. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ nutrition solution.

Your microbiome is as unique as your fingerprint. And…


One man’s food can literally be another man’s poison – especially when it comes to your gut health.


What You’ll Learn


  1. Decode the Language of Your Gut

  2. Hyper-Personalized Nutrition

  3. Accelerated Healing & Enhanced Immunity

  4. Slow-down Aging & Extend Longevity

  5. Combat Chronic Inflammation

  6. Why Your Genes Aren’t The Problem

  7. Improve Metabolism & Cellular Efficiency

  8. Mental Wellness & Cognitive Health


The curriculum


Gut Health for Better Mind, Body and Longevity is a 7-day program giving you a scientifically proven path to optimal physical and mental health.


Each day, you’ll join Naveen Jain and his Viome team of expert medical researchers for a 15 – 20 minute video lesson: each one a step towards a healthier, happier gut.


You’ll learn how to identify common warning signs of a dysbiotic microbiome, and how many symptoms you thought were ‘just a part of life’ are reversible and in many cases quickly eradicated.


You’ll learn tactics and strategies for assisting your gut bacteria in fighting 11 specific common conditions including fatigue, weight loss, depression, bloating and more.


By the end of the program, you’ll know exactly the right tools and resources to customize your own precision nutrition plan that restores your gut (and by extension your body and brain) back to peak and lasting health.


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