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Lifebook 12 Dimensions of Mastery By Jon Butcher

$ 25,00

  • This course contains several modules in Videos and Learning material
  • The courses are on Google Drive ready to view online or download immediately.
  • This is the complete course to take your knowledge to another level.

An extraordinary lifestyle design system that turns your life into a living masterpiece


Do you suspect that you are capable of much more?
Do you want to make a dent in the Universe?
Have you had enough of the beliefs, ideas, and rules that try to put you in a box and stop you?
Or do you just want to turn a good life into a great life?


Lifebook has helped thousands of people wake up to a truth previously known only to the best achievers in the world:


Our schools and colleges don’t teach us the skills that create success. Instead, they were designed to create gears in the wheels of industry. And instead of setting us up for happiness, meaning, and success, they often strip us of them.

Therefore, most of these extraordinary people choose to define their own success.

Jon Butcher is one of these people. He defies convention in all areas of life, yet attracts wealth, achievement, love, and fulfillment beyond most people’s wildest dreams (he has even drastically slowed down his aging).


He has documented exactly how he does it through the process he calls Lifebook: a high-end lifestyle design experience that was previously only available to a select few – until now.


Why the modern definition of success is not met

We live in a world where success is defined by two narrow variables:

The amount of money in your bank account.
Your career progression or job title
As a result, we tend to ignore the other vital areas of our life. And this is why we live in a world where …

30% of Americans are obese (according to the Center for Disease Control)
54% of Americans don’t like their job (according to Gallup)
Most marriages statistically end in divorce
Most of us experience life as a roller coaster of fleeting ups and downs.
But does life have to be like this? Not according to those who have found a better way …

The secret to extraordinary success lies in the 12 dimensions
Lifebook is based on the premise that what we have been taught to think about success are outdated models from the industrial age that no longer serve us. The Lifebook system measures success in 12 dimensions.




Six Things That Make Mindvalley’s New Quest Learning System 500% More Effective Than Common Online Courses
Mindvalley’s new Quest learning system, launched in November 2016, has so far doubled student participation and completion rates. Plus, it’s a lot more fun. This is what makes it unique




Based on real-time guided training and 


01. They all start the same day:
Our entire community starts the same day because Jon will train you every day. This is one of the biggest advantages of doing this program now. You can interact with the tribe of thousands of Lifebook enthusiasts who share their experiences, knowledge and results. They keep each other motivated. Stuck somewhere? Ask a question and dozens of people in the community will help you. Our community is very supportive in this way.


02. Daily orientation for 30 days to create gradual change.
First, The Lifebook Quest is based on the principle of microlearning, which means that each daily lesson is less than 20 minutes long and offers a simple step that will lead you towards the goal you have set for this course. Therefore, it is easy to do and there are no complex decisions to be made. There is no excuse to skip a day. The moment you start, momentum will carry you forward and the next thing you know is that you have finished the program.


03. Microlearning – Adapts to Even Your Busiest Days
No more time searching for 10-hour courses. All you have to do on this program is set aside 10-20 minutes a day, every day for 30 days. And open the real-time guided training program on your tablet, smartphone, or desktop as Jon guides you through the Lifebook search.


04. Learn on the desktop, smartphone or tablet
The missions are designed for a seamless desktop and mobile experience. And it can be completed without the extra time you need to carve out your life. That is, you can complete any mission without making any changes to your lifestyle. Instead, you will go through missions during your commute or jogging sessions. That’s why it comes with a native mobile app for iOS and Android phones, so all it takes is just a click of an icon to get your Quest up and running.


05. Designed to form positive habits for 30 days.
Missions are designed to foster habits that sustain your transformation for longer periods of time. So in 30 days, you will not recognize the man or woman you were a month before. Each day you will be presented with a particular challenge. Students can come together to brainstorm, share notes, and encourage each other to overcome challenges day after day. In the end, finishing the mission will leave you with the same feeling as running a marathon: a feeling of pride and accomplishment.


06. Lifebook Quest incorporates community learning
What this means is that not only do you interact with thousands of other students on our community platform every day, but you can also share your goals and be inspired by other people’s goals. With this peer-to-peer platform, thousands of people help each other improve their lives and create more specific, bigger, and more beautiful goals.


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