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Neo-Tantra Discovering Energy Orgasms and Deepening Your Sexual Connection By Layla Martin

$ 25,00

Experience life-changing levels of pleasure, pure ecstasy, love, and intimacy with a transformed relationship with sexuality

✅ Lesson 18

⏱9 Hours

👂🏻Audio in English

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Experience life-changing levels of pleasure, pure ecstasy, love, and intimacy with a transformed relationship with sexuality


As founder of the world-renowned VITA™ Method, Layla Martin has certified professionals in a Tantric approach to over 12,000 paid clients.


For 20 years, Layla traveled the world as a devoted student of Tantra, training with the most high-level teachers of this powerful tradition. She also studied human sexuality, neuroscience, and biology at Stanford University.


And through her experience, she personally curated a dynamic system from over 10,000 hours of practice that blends ancient traditions with modern techniques that unveil the deep connection between sexuality and spirituality and the healing of trauma.


By the end of this quest, you’ll have a permanently transformed relationship with sexuality and awaken your ability to experience life-changing levels of pleasure, love, and bliss.



What you’ll gain from the Neo-Tantra Quest


  1. Have the best orgasms of your life

    Experience a whole new realm of ecstasy and bliss where waves of pleasure ripple through your entire being with Full Body Energy Orgasms.

  2. Increased pleasure and deeper sexual satisfaction

    Witness the transformative effects of sexual satisfaction on your overall well-being. Studies reveal that a vibrant sex life contributes to increased physical, emotional, and longevity.

  3. Enhanced libido

    Experience a newfound vigor, passion and excitement that will take your sex life to extraordinary heights as you deepen your sexual connection.

  4. Experience profound levels of healing from trauma

    You’ll embark on an incredible healing journey as you release the burdens of past trauma and conditioning, confront the deep-seated wounds, and reclaim your sexual power.

  5. Unlock new depths sexual confidence and self-assuredness

    Tap into a wellspring of self-assuredness as your sexual confidence blossoms into a radiant, magnetic aura of empowerment – both in and out of the bedroom.

  6. Awaken your sacred essence of sexuality

    Experience the magic of deeply connected sex, dream-like levels of intimacy and as you reconnect and unleash your sensuality in its purest form.

The Curriculum

Explore The Neo-Tantra curriculum


Neo-Tantra on multiple devices

Neo-Tantra is a 5-part program to have more connected, sacred, and powerful sexual experiences and have ​​Full Body Energy Orgasms.


On each day, you’ll join Layla Martin for an easy-to-follow video lesson that guides you through every step of discovery, activating your sexual power, and experiencing a new realm of ecstasy and bliss.


In just minutes a day, you’ll emerge with a permanently richer and more magical sex life while opening a deeper connection with your sacred sexual consciousness.


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