
The Immunity Blueprint Eric Edmeades

$ 22,00

✅ Lesson 29

⏱24 Hours 47 Minutes

👂🏻Audio in English

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29 Days To A Lifetime Of Stronger Immunity


The Immunity Blueprint is a highly optimized system designed to create incremental, sustainable change in your daily habits and patterns that impact your immunity.


As you move through the 29-day program, you’ll discover easy shifts to your diet, breathing, sleep and movement patterns, and even your emotions that rapidly compound into a life-changing (and permanent) transformation of your two categories of immunity:


  1. Innate immunity: your body’s automatic physical, cellular, and chemical defense systems against viruses, bacteria, and disease triggers.
  2. Acquired immunity: your body’s ability to fight pathogens through exposure and adaption to them.


The Immunity Blueprint is like having a world-class medical expert, guiding you every day towards the precise tools, choices, and behavioral changes you need to boost your immunity and health.


Within weeks, you’ll notice yourself falling sick far less often. Healing and recovering in a fraction of the time. Sleeping better. And looking and feeling better than ever.


And the high-immunity lifestyle that rewards you with all these outcomes will have become second nature – without any of the difficulty or willpower struggles you’ll often encounter in other health transformation protocols.


The Curriculum

Explore The Immunity Blueprint Curriculum


The Immunity Blueprint on multiple devices

The Immunity Blueprint is a 29-day high-immunity lifestyle protocol that rewards you with greater protection from illness, accelerated healing, and permanently improved health and wellbeing.


You’ll join Eric Edmeades for just 20 minutes a day in easy-to-follow video lessons that empower you with simple practices and tools you need to gain and sustain a strengthened immune system through optimal nutrition, movement, sleep, breath work, and more.


By the end of your journey, you’ll walk away with an effortless daily routine of immunity-boosting habits that fit seamlessly into your normal life – and stick with you for a lifetime.


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