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The Quest for Personal Mastery – Dr. Srikumar Rao In English

$ 27,00

Gain The Freedom To Flow With Life – And Achieve Extraordinary Resilience, Abundance, And Self-Mastery

✅ Lesson 46

⏱ 11 Hours 38 Minutes

👂🏻Audio in English

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Gain The Freedom To Flow With Life – And Achieve Extraordinary

Resilience, Abundance, And Self-Mastery


The Quest for Personal Mastery program presents a rare opportunity to experience Srikumar Rao’s unique approach to personal growth and resilience – which combines the wisdom of ancient poets and philosophers, timeless universal truths, and your own infinite and inherent intelligence.


Through a beautifully optimized spiritual framework, your mind and soul are reconditioned with the same time-tested insights and life-shifting wisdom Srikumar Rao shares with the world’s top CEOs, executives and thought leaders on TED Talks and conference stages around the world.


Whether you’re a professional or entrepreneur reaching for greater achievement, or an individual searching for a breakthrough or solution to adversity, or the strength to weather an important or stressful life transition – your entire approach to life will evolve as you discover how to:


  • Face stressful situations head-on – not with fear or anxiety, but the assuredness that what you’re facing is an opportunity for growth and learning…
  • Access a strong inner voice that guides you, prevents you from being the “victim” of forces beyond your control and steers you on the right path…
  • Quickly befriend and team up with the Universe to co-create a new and exciting “reality” that is grounded in a “we centered” approach to life…
  • And cultivate the unbreakable resolve to overcome obstacles through powerful re-framing techniques so you can turn the tables on “tragedy”, no matter what is happening around you.


In short, all past patterns of struggle, uncertainty, emotional strain, self-doubt, and weakness will become a distant memory for you – as with Srikumar Rao’s guidance, you rise up to the highest possible levels of personal mastery and self-awareness.


The Curriculum

Explore The Quest for Personal Mastery Curriculum


The Quest For Personal Mastery on multiple devices

The Quest for Personal Mastery is a 45-day online program that awakens your fullest capacity for inner peace, resilience, and self-mastery, while opening you to the support and guidance of the universe itself.


With Srikumar Rao himself as your guide, you’ll be nurtured through a beautifully optimized curriculum that takes just 10 – 15 minutes a day.


Every single tool, mental framework, and technique you need to achieve this elusive state of personal mastery are included for you in the program. All you need to do is follow Srikumar Rao’s guidance, as he opens you to truths and ideas that will ignite your fullest human potential.


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