
Be Extraordinary Vishen

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✅ Lesson 30

⏱10 Hours 1 Minutes

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Level Up Your Consciousness. Level Up Your Life.


Four Levels of Human Consciousness

Every person on the planet is currently operating from one of these levels – which influences how we perceive and live our lives, and in turn our capacity for success, impact, fulfillment, peace, and connection.

Most of us spend our lives operating from one of the lower levels, although it is completely possible to rise up to the higher ones – provided we follow the right steps. This is where the Be Extraordinary framework comes into play. First, it helps you determine what level you’re currently at. Then, it gives you the tools and insights to rise up.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of each level:


99% of the planet’s population operates from this level. At this level, we function based on our conditioning from society, culture, and education. At this level, most of us are bound by ideas like “you need a college degree”, or “you need to get a job and save for retirement”, or even “you have to go to church every Sunday”. When you question these patterns of human society, you start rising up to Level 2.


Level 2 is called the ‘Thoughts Create Reality’ stage. This is where personal growth resides. Here, you start exploring new ways of showing up in the world. It’s where you discover ideas like meditation, speed learning, personal transformation, and fitness hacking. It’s when you start ascending beyond what most people are doing and becoming extraordinary. But this is far from the highest level you can be at.


Level 3 is the primary goal of the Be Extraordinary framework. At this level, you’ve questioned so many ideas of the traditional world that you’ve now stepped into being a ‘Servant To A Higher Calling’.

This is where you’ll find new abilities start to emerge in you, including a feeling of connectedness with all of humanity and existence. A feeling of being completely tapped into your intuition and inner wisdom. A feeling of accelerated creation power, where your thoughts become reality at lightning speed. And even a feeling of connection to a Higher Power, as if the Universe itself is rooting for you.


This is a level of rare mystical Oneness with all that is. Most of the Be Extraordinary framework focuses on Stage 2 and 3, where the most tangible benefits await.

However, through this new and updated version of the framework, you’ll learn how to start accessing this elusive level for the first time through what is known as the ‘Merging Technique’.


The Curriculum


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The Be Extraordinary Quest guides you through an easy-to-follow 30-day curriculum. Each of these days focuses on a unique aspect of rising up through the 3 stages of peak performance and rapid achievement – allowing you to evolve yourself and grow at a steady, enjoyable pace.


Throughout the Quest, you’ll take a deep look at your personal systems of living and models of reality. You’ll see your own patterns and beliefs in a whole new light. And, you’ll gain 18 empowering tools you can use to instantly upgrade your inner programming, allowing you to permanently transform how you think, perform, and show up in the world.


Once you reach the end, you’ll have all the tools and insights you need to start living with the Be Extraordinary roadmap. And finally experience the fullest extent of your personal growth.


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