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Lifebook Online By Jon and Missy Butcher

$ 35,00

✅ Lessons 16

⏱ Duration 18 Hours

+ 13 Bonus Calls Live Experience

👂🏻Audio in English

Access Google Drive Unlimited

You have bold dreams. But where do you start?


This feeling can arise during a tiring workday, questioning your life choices, or when your bank account falls short of your aspirations. It may also surface when you feel too weary or unwell to fully embrace life.

If you’ve ever felt this way, you’re likely stuck in one of the most vicious illusions of the human condition:


The illusion that the life of your dreams can never be more than a dream.

In this state, you can easily spend years settling for second best, letting others dictate the direction of your life, instead of consciously designing it yourself.

All because you’re disconnected from one simple truth:

Every extraordinary life – a life of boundless joy, abundance, purpose, and freedom – starts with a dream.


Every dream, no matter how far-fetched, needs a structure to flourish, transforming into a Life Vision – a detailed, clear, and empowering plan that turns your deepest desires into reality. With a clear Life Vision, dreams start pursuing you, helping you rediscover your true self, your desires, and your untapped potential, which is far greater than you might imagine.


Lifebook for this upcoming 2024 new year offers you this transformation. It’s an optimized lifestyle design system that equips you with an unstoppable Life Vision, granting the freedom to design and achieve your ultimate dream life on your terms. With Lifebook, it’s never too late, and no dream is too big.


Available on your Personal Computer, Tablet, Smartphone & Apple TV


Transform in all 12 dimensions of your life this 2024 new year


Most people only focus on improving their career, wealth, health, and relationships – but in reality, many more areas of life shape your success, happiness, and true fulfillment.


Lifebook guides you through a powerful life envisioning process, that shows you how to leverage your Mindvalley Membership to thrive in all 12 dimensions of your life. Every area of your life gets the attention it deserves, without sacrifice or compromise. And every aspect of your potential is nurtured to the fullest.

What you’ll learn to make 2024 the best year of your life


  1. How to tap into authenticity

    Discover your strengths and weaknesses in the 12 dimensions of your life, set your goals and objectives for each one, and harmonize everything into a unified life vision that inspires and propels you forward.

  2. How to design a truly authentic life

    Break free from the rules and expectations imposed on you by others – and achieve a beautiful alignment with the person you want to be, and the life you want to live.

  3. How to develop unbreakable resilience

    Harness your clarity of purpose and personal power to rise above your obstacles – and even reinvent yourself in the face of challenging circumstances and transitions like divorce, career changes, health issues, and spiritual crises.

  4. How to strengthen your growth mindset

    Use your Lifebook as a system that unifies all your personal growth tools and learnings into one action plan for each of your 12 dimensions of life: allowing you to live in a rhythm of perpetual growth and self-evolution.

  5. How to achieve work-life balance

    Never again feel forced to sacrifice one form of success for another, or neglect your career growth, family, or passions. Instead, design a life where every dimension of your being grows in harmony with the other.

  6. How to get more done in less time

    Overcome habits, emotions, and patterns that disrupt your productivity. Use your Lifebook to stay aligned with your north star, and no longer waste time on tasks that don’t bring you closer to your Life Vision.

  7. How to uncover and honor your passions

    Break free from work, relationships, and lifestyle choices that don’t bring you joy. Develop the clarity and courage to take the leap and follow your passions, spend time on what you love, and even reinvent yourself.

  8. How to accelerate your goal achievement

    Go far beyond traditional goal-setting methods, by creating a unified Life Vision that keeps you motivated and constantly rising up to your goals. You’ll even use tools like the Lifebook Assessment to measure your progress, and stay focused on the dimensions of life most important to your growth.


The curriculum

Explore the Lifebook Online curriculum


Available on your Personal Computer, Tablet, Smartphone & Apple TV

Lifebook Online is a step-by-step process for envisioning, planning, and achieving your best life through your very own Lifebook.


Through a curriculum of beautifully produced training videos will guide you through the 12 dimensions of your life – and help you create a unified vision for each one week after week.


Throughout the process, you’ll unearth the hidden beliefs and subconscious patterns holding you back from your fullest potential and most authentic self. Then, you’ll dive deep into your core identity and desires, as you gain priceless clarity on what you want in life, why you want it, and how you’re going to get it.


The entire process requires 3 – 6 hours a week for 6 weeks: a supremely worthwhile investment for a process that will forever change how you view and approach your life and your goals.


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