
Live By Your Own Rules Kristina Mand Lakhiani

$ 20,00

✅ Lesson 31

⏱ 8 Hours 2 Minutes

👂🏻Audio in English

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Introducing a Complete Journey to Your Most Authentic Self


Live By Your Own Rules with Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani is a thorough exploration that leads you to self-discovery, self-liberation, and the most important relationship you’ll ever have.


For 15 minutes a day over 31 days, Kristina will guide you through her unique process to shed the masks of society, identify your personal truths, and nurture your relationship with yourself.


You’ll no longer be bound by society’s standards and expectations. Instead, you’ll learn ways to innovate on how you work, love, play, and even fulfill your purpose. You’ll define happiness, pleasure, and success according to your terms and your goals.


Uncertainty and change won’t rattle you, because you’ll be truly comfortable with yourself, so you can take life as it comes.


And as you journey deeper into your core relationship, you’ll begin to accept all the nuanced dimensions of you, as you live and express yourself truthfully.


By the end of the Quest with Kristina, your relationship with yourself will be so solid that society’s standard will never derail your authenticity again.

The Curriculum

Explore Live By Your Own Rules


Live By Your Own Rules gives you the tools to reset the relationship with yourself so you can live in harmony with the world around you.


Kristina will use her first-hand experience in nurturing authenticity to guide you through the process of assessing your beliefs, values, feelings, and truths. This powerful process will unearth what has shaped your self-relationship thus far, so you can rewrite these frameworks for a deep, fulfilling relationship with yourself.


As you journey through this process, you’ll experience new empowering beliefs and liberating joy start to emerge day by day. Until at the end of 31 days, you will be your most authentic self and live life on your own terms.


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