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Mastering Authentic Networking – Keith Ferrazzi Mindvalley In English

$ 27,00

How to Create a Powerful Global Network for Yourself: The Ferrazzi Approach.

✅ Lesson 21

⏱ 6 Hours 17 Minutes

👂🏻Audio in English

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How to Create a Powerful Global Network for Yourself:

The Ferrazzi Approach.


Keith Ferrazzi is the world’s leading networking expert. And through the Mastering Authentic Networking program, you’ll be guided through his signature curriculum of networking training and tools: the same ones he uses in private high-end coaching sessions with elite leaders and policymakers, professionals, multinational companies, and even presidential candidates.

At the heart of the Mastering Authentic Networking is Keith’s universal networking formula: a perfectly optimized and easy-to-follow process that anyone – even the shyest, most nervous individual – can use to build a network of genuine and uplifting relationships with people from any walk of life:

Attracting the Right People

Knowing how to create relationships with new, inspiring people who can change the playing field you’re on today.

Deepening the Connection

Taking your contacts and acquaintances, and developing far more authentic and meaningful connections with them.

Broadening Your Network

Evolving your closest relationships into your personal anchors and ambassadors who are eager to introduce you to others, and play a big part in your success.

Co-Elevating Others

Developing a rich mutual network of collaborative partners and allies who are committed to uplifting each other to previously unreachable heights.

Keith’s experience and expertise make him arguably the most qualified person on earth to teach networking. In fact if there are any world-class business or professional leaders you look up to, there’s a high chance they’re influenced by Keith.


The Curriculum

Explore The Mastering Authentic Networking Curriculum


Master ing Authentic Networking on various devices

The Mastering Authentic Networking program guides you through a 21-day process designed to simulate one-on-one coaching with Keith Ferrazzi. On each of these days, Keith himself will guide you through a series of lessons and exercises that rapidly supercharge your confidence, charisma, persuasion skills, empathy, and every other measure of what it takes to be a brilliant networker.


Whether you’re an outgoing people person or an introvert, you’ll rapidly grow your own authentic networking as Keith coaches you daily with the same tools he uses to train the world’s most successful and connected people.


In just 20 minutes a day, you’ll notice tangible breakthroughs as you progress through the program. You’ll gain the ability to present yourself both confidently and authentically. Striking up spirited conversations will become second nature. And people will even find themselves drawn to you, every time you walk into a room. All because you’re finally mastering today’s most vital asset in business and in life: relationships.

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