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Speaking With Spirit – Agapi Stassinopoulos In English

$ 27,00

In 17 Days, learn to speak the language of your soul and build a powerful and vibrant connection with your Spirit

✅ Lesson 17

⏱ 6 Hours 5 Minutes

👂🏻Audio in English

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In 17 Days, learn to speak the language of your soul and build a powerful and vibrant connection with your Spirit


The Speaking with Spirit Quest is a 17-day beautiful journey to uncovering an inner reservoir of strength and reconnecting with a vast amount of unconditional love through the unshakable bond of prayer.


This Quest into 6 parts, these represent the different phases that we all go through on the path to connecting with our Spiritual nature.


Living, creating, becoming, overcoming, loving and transforming


By the end of the program, you’ll unlock a newfound inner reservoir of strength, and learn to speak the language of your soul which is always available to us if we know how to listen and to speak with Spirit.


What you’ll gain from the Speaking with Spirit Quest


  1. Deeply connect with your Spirit

    Experience a profound alignment between your earthly and divine selves, dissolving any barriers causing distress and anxiety. Reconnect with your soul and realize the profound unity it brings.

  2. Embrace your most raw and authentic self with unconditional love

    Welcome the limitless love from the divine presence within you. By doing so, you’ll allow your soul to fill you with radiant light and love, steering you away from being worldly-driven and more spirit-led.

  3. Discover and unleash your newfound creativity

    While life has its monotonous cycles, the power of rejuvenation and renewal lies within you. Unleash the incredible levels of creativity that reside within all of us to rediscover the magic, gratitude, and beauty in everyday moments.

  4. Rediscover your playful self and experience real joy in every moment

    Dive into the depths of inner child healing, allowing yourself to mend deep-seated wounds and re-embrace playfulness. Embark on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering boundless self-love, compassion, and support.

  5. Living a Purposeful Life

    Embrace the higher wisdom that’s ready to guide every aspect of your life. Become masterful and confident at pausing the outer noise, silencing the inner critic, overcoming your fears, and tuning in to the wise counsel within.

  6. Being Open to Intuitive Guidance

    Recognize the power of staying connected to a greater source. By trusting that spiritual guidance will unfold in its own time, you’ll experience remarkable wisdom. Learn to embody patience, calm, and faith even amidst adversity.

The Curriculum

Explore The Speaking with Spirit curriculum


Program Name on multiple devices

The Speaking with Spirit Quest is a 17-day beautiful journey to learning the language of your soul which is always available to you with your mentor – Agapi Stassinopoulos.


In just 15 – 20 minutes a day, you’ll immerse yourself in insightful stories, intentional prayers, and highly practical tools designed to access prayer as a bridge to your truest self and soul.


By the end of the program, you’ll unlock a newfound inner reservoir of strength, and learn to speak the language of your soul which is always available to us if we know how to listen and to speak with Spirit.


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