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The Habit of Ferocity Steven Kotler

$ 22,00

By drawing on the latest findings in neuroscience, physiology, and psychology, The Habit of Ferocity Quest rewires you with a behavioral formula Steven calls ‘ferocity’.

✅ Lesson 35

⏱Duration 5 Hours

👂🏻Audio in English

Access Google Drive

Switch Off Mediocrity. Switch On Super



By drawing on the latest findings in neuroscience, physiology, and psychology, The Habit of Ferocity Quest rewires you with a behavioral formula Steven calls ‘ferocity’.


Ferocity is a series of neurological and physiological habits that automate peak performance.

When you have ferocity, you are perpetually motivated to grow and push your boundaries – instead of hiding in your comfort zone.

You have constant access to your peak focus, productivity, creativity, and intuition – no more wasted time or energy.

And you are consistently unstoppable – even when faced with unexpected setbacks and adversity that would previously leave you giving up.


Switching on your ferocity means switching on your ability to achieve goals and solve challenges that others might consider impossible.


Many of the world’s top performers embody ferocity – often without even realizing it.

But through this Quest, Steven Kotler offers a framework that anyone can follow to rapidly and permanently adopt the habit of ferocity.


The Curriculum

Explore The Habit Of Ferocity Curriculum



The Habit of Ferocity is a 35-day online journey towards your fullest potential. You’ll join Steven Kotler and thousands of students worldwide as he installs in you the frameworks, thought models, and behavioral changes that facilitate ferocity.


Steven is a brilliant and captivating teacher – and this Quest is the next best thing to having him as your personal coach.


In just 15 – 20 minutes a day, you’ll experience profound changes in the quality of your thoughts and actions. Your focus, performance, creativity, and tenacity at work will amplify. And your disempowering beliefs and habits will melt away, as grit, flow, and motivation start becoming your default states.


By the end of the Quest, the thought of giving up or retreating will seem completely alien to you – as you become reprogrammed for a lifetime of high performance, perseverance, and the power to achieve your biggest goals.




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