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Unlocking Transcendence – In English

$ 30

Unlocking Transcendence Quest by Jeffrey Allen is a methodical, fun, step-by-step journey of self-awareness that will help you cultivate a spiritual practice that you’ll look forward to every day and will positively impact every aspect of your being.

✅ Lesson 61

⏱ 61 Hours 21 Minutes

👂🏻Audio in English

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Introducing The World’s First Spiritual Fitness Program


Unlocking Transcendence with Jeffrey is a methodical, fun, step-by-step journey of self-awareness that will help you cultivate a spiritual practice that you’ll look forward to every day and will positively impact every aspect of your being.


In 14 hours total time over 60 days (about 15 to 20 minutes a day), Jeffrey trains you using a series of exercises that will build your spiritual “muscles” day by day.


Even if you’ve fallen out of sync with your spiritual self. Even if you’ve never accessed your spiritual journey before. Jeffrey will guide you through simple and easy exercises to coax your soul onto its spiritual path.


In the same way, a fitness instructor will train you in the gym, teaching you new exercises to improve your physical strength, Jeffrey will guide you through a series of exercises that will build your spiritual “muscles” day by day.


And as your spiritual fitness improves, you will quickly find yourself more deeply aligned with your spirit than you ever imagined possible.


The Curriculum

Explore the Unlocking Transcendence Quest Curriculum


Unlocking Transcendence on various devices

This Is How We Structured Unlocking Transcendence So You Get Fast, Lasting Results In The Shortest Time Possible


Unlocking Transcendence contains tools, techniques and exercises to strengthen your spiritual “muscles”, nourish your soul, and help you transcend your physical reality.


Unlocking Transcendence Quest runs for 60 consecutive days. You’ll spend around 15 minutes daily developing your deeper awareness with Jeffrey Allen. You’ll also receive daily suggestions for applying your new awareness in your daily life. The Quest is divided into six parts – each developing 2 types of awareness that are most impactful for that specific area.


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